
Via Pichi

Private competition
Brioschi Immobiliare S.p.A.

The project, a private competition in 2014 of one of the main Italian real estate companies, provides for the construction of 60 mini-apartments that can be joined by a students and professor. The target is to enhance the urban environment while generating attractive value and housing and relational quality for the complex. 

The urban and distributive choice of interpreting the passage from inside and outside like an “osmotic threshold” find a correspondence in the building’s system. It is positioned parallel to the road on the upper floors and it bends to the first two floors towards the entrance generating a large covered entrance. Basically the sign of the facade’s fold is the architectural device that represents the passage. The large entrance leads inside the block. The building’s shape, compact on the road, it is articulated inside where the varied and sloping bodies offer varieties to the imagine of the complex and generate a domestic passage.

Private competition for the realization of a residential complex in Milan
II place

accomodations number: 60 (unmovable accomodation)
sqm area: 1.045
sqm lot: 2.240
sqm buildings: 2.226
smq distribution: 554
sum amount: 3.572.720,00 euros

Giovanni Bradanini
Gino Baldi
Salvatore Cappello
Gaia D'alpaos
Marina Martello
Valerio Ronchi
Camilla Vecchi

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